Freitag, 23. Februar 2024

Probability Pebbles

Why has the standard dice set seven dice?
It's D&Ds fault, isn't it? Then why do they have only one d6? Should I use my Shadowrun dice to roll my ability scores? And what are these two 10-sided monstrosities? Those are evil. I know they are because Call of Cthulhu uses them. Also the d12 only gets used if you play a barbarian — which I do, thank you very much. 

How do I fix this?
First of all I burn all the D&D books and make my own system. Hmm, yes very clever of me...

So, I'm left with a single set of dice. Which of those seven are actually trustworthy?

The Interview

  • The d4: very pointy, hard to roll, more like a toss. But she's a platonic and small numbers are not easy to generate; looking at you, coin. You are in, d4. But I'm keeping an eye on you. Troublemaker.
  • The d6: large faces so the numbers can be easily seen. She  knows how good she is, no need to be smug about it. Of course you are in.
  • The d8: well, well, well, the pretty boy. Ohh, did I make you uncomfortable? Poor thing. There is no need to be shy. This will be fun... In with you.
  • The d10: die, die!! You fraud evil bastard of a math rock, I will kill you and your family.
  • The d12: this is a solid die. This guy plays the viola! Very down to earth, humble. I think he is my new buddy.  
  • The d20: So, you are a platonic. Uhh, 20-sides is a lot. And your main gig is D&D, where you took over the show and once even got your own system named after yourself... Yeah, that's a no from me.
  • The d%: Another one?! Roll for your life, double zero. I already met your little brother and he didn't make the save.


Meet the Team

d4, the Punk
She may be small, but don't mess with her.
She will hurt you.
The Team

d6, the Good Girl
She is sweet and confident,
the perfect little die. 

d8, the Pretty Boy
He's cute, but so awkward
when the girls are around. 

d12, the Bolder
This chunk of a die is a
gentle giant. He holds the team together.


Roll well, my little chaos cubes. I'm going to build an entire system on you.


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